Learn to play chess - For children age 6 and up!
The classic in children's chess!
Strategic thinking, tricky brain-training, exciting competitive situations, lots of fun and a good serving of chess knowledge.
All this and more in this unique, international award-winning chess adventure game.
This makes learning chess fun for children!
Together with Prince Fritz and his cheeky cousin Bianca, children learn all the rules of chess in interactive practice modules, i.e., the moves of the pieces, capturing, checkmates; and more in-depth knowledge: What is stalemate and what is a draw? What does opposition mean? And what does stair-mate mean? In animated exercises, these and many other tips and tricks about chess are practiced step by step, followed by exciting tasks and games. Those who have trained enough at the end can compete with Fritz in the grand finale against King Black. Everything is presented in a fast-paced way, with witty, intelligent dialogue.
This is what Fritz & Chesster offers:
- Developed by Björn Lengwenus and Jörg Hilbert
- Based on many years of instructional experience in children's and youth chess training
- 6 games to learn how the pieces move
- 12 chess training modules (interactive chess exercises with explanations)
- Chessometer and trophy case: feedback on training success
- Slot machine - games with fewer pieces.
- Chess Arena: play chess against three opponents of differing playing strengths
- Fritz AI controls interactive exercises, playing out positions and games.
- Detailed, intelligent and witty explanations and dialogues - with no dull bits! The advantage being that younger children don't even have to be able to read yet!
- Translated into 17 languages - winner of multiple international awards!
- First published in 2002! The classic in children's chess!
New: The online version of Fritz & Chesster can be played in any current internet browser! On all systems: PC, Mac, iPad, Tablet, etc. Fritz & Chesster
Order activation code!
Online chess training account for a full three years, accessible with up to three different playing accounts! All you need is internet access and an up-to-date browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari...)!
29,90 €